Learning to use PC-DMIS Level 2 (Legacy)

This course introduces iterative and best fit alignments, auto and quick alignments, more advanced dimensioning and extended auto features. Automating probe calibrations and using patterns and loops are included. Scanning concepts for both Touch Trigger Probe (TTP) and Analog Probe users are also taught. Topics include scanning with and without models, using Measurement Strategies and data filtering.
English literacy, basic mathematics, basic computer skills

CMMXYZ E-Learning is a series of internet based instructional videos comprising all the course matter in a full PC-DMIS training program. Quizzes at the end of each section are available allowing the student to feel confident that they fully understand the concepts learned. A comprehensive FAQ library including valuable reference material is available. This course is capable of teaching anyone to learn PC-DMIS or can be used in conjunction with classroom CMM training. Upon completion a "Training Certificate" is issued to the registered user.


  • Auto Calibrate
  • Using CAD Models
  • Advanced Alignments
  • Dimensioning
  • Program Control

PC-DMIS CAD++ Level 2 (includes analog scanning)

  • All of CAD Level 2 plus:
  • Advanced Auto Features
  • Touch Trigger Probe Scanning
  • TTP Scanning without a CAD Model
  • TTP Scanning with a CAD Model
  • Analog Scanning (if required)
  • Probe Calibration
  • Scanning without a CAD Model
  • Scanning with a CAD Model
  • Basic Scans
  • Filters

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