Because of the overwhelming success of past Knowledge Tours, the 2013 event on September 18th will be an event you won’t want to miss! This event books up very quickly, so we would recommend registering as soon as possible. After reading your requests through our questionnaire, we have designed this year’s knowledge tour around your wishes. Here are 4 reasons why you must attend the CMM Knowledge Tour 2013.
1. PC-DMIS Users Forum: By far the most popular part of this event will be our PC-DMIS Users Forum. Once again it will be hosted by Grant Sewell, our Senior Metrologist here at CMM. Grant has the ability to make an extremely powerful product like PC-DMIS software easily understood, his full presentation will consist of all the 2013 features including bonus items like Inspection Planner, Direct CAD translators, creating custom reports and more great stuff. After the presentation Grant Ron and Trevor will be available on a one-on-one basis to discuss any and all PC-DMIS issues you have.
In the afternoon we have three great live presentations:, Multisensor measurement; measurement on the shop floor and the scanning face-off.
2. Multisensor Measurement: Multisensor measurement was a very popular requisition in our recent survey; we will be featuring an OGP SmartScope, complete with laser camera and probing system. Watch this amazing device use all three technologies integrated seamlessly as it measures a part! In this demonstration we will also show scanning technology and the new Renishaw PH 20 Five axis wrist.
3. Measurement On The Shop Floor: Our measurement on the shop floor presentation will demonstrate a battle for superiority between a portable arm and a laser scanner! This will shape up to be quite a battle because we will have the new Romer SI arm with scanner and the Leica 901 laser tracker with T probe and laser scanner. If you’ve ever wondered which one was the best product to use for shop floor measurement then wonder no more! 4. Scanning Face-Off: Two technologies, I have always had difficulty in comparing are the laser scanner and white light system. Again, you will see a one on one battle between the Romer laser scanner and the Steinbichler Comet white light system. Learn which one is the best for your application, observe them measuring the same part, who will win? Find out on September 18th.
Looking forward to seeing you all on September 18th.